Tuesday, July 7, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"You're just part of my problem today." Roger to me

Roger thinks a manicure will make him feel better....

First thing that Mary asked when I came back from lunch with Tim is if we are having an affair. Apparently she wants to write "The Chatter" now.

"Good luck with your marriages." A Rep to Mary  (Obviously he knows something that I don't).

Tim told me that he shared the picture that I posted in the Chatter last week with his guide and the other guys on the trip, so it may end up on their website. Man Tim has a big mouth.

Bill is trying to show that he cares today and also Mary. 

I'm pretty sure I heard Steve say that Toni was helping him organize his bracelets today.

I apparently told Mary the wrong thing this morning, she asked why the water at Diablo Lake was so green and I told her it was radioactive. According to Wikipedia "The unique, intense turquoise hue of the lake's water is attributed to the surrounding glaciers that grind rocks into a fine powder that is carried into the lake through creeks. That fine powder stays suspended in the lake, giving the water its brilliant color."

*not to be construed as Gossip

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