Thursday, October 30, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

I need to be more like Roger. I won Neil Diamond concert tickets for May and they were mailed to our house yesterday and I realized after I told Ryan about them I could have said I bought them and they were a birthday gift (his birthday is in May).

I think Tim pretends to be so computer pathetic just to give me something to do.

The "sperm" on Mary's desk yesterday was supposed to be a ghost.

Bill seems to be good at trying to get gossip. He asked me why I drove the VW today and I think he wanted me to tell him that Ryan and I had a huge argument over how many people we could have in our orgy.

Typhinee is having One Direction mania today because their tickets go on presale.
"I have more upper body strength than Roxanne but I'm sure you don't want to see that video." Bill

Howard has a mind like a steel trap. I can't believe what that man can remember.

The only stipulation Tim had for tomorrow is that he's only going to show up if he doesn't have to wear a costume. Bummer so he won't be coming as Chazz from "Blades of Glory" or "Anchorman".  

*not to be construed as Gossip

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