Thursday, November 30, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Michael and Tim thought I was the grim reaper today because I visited their office. I'm really not sure why Tim thought he was in trouble (Michael definitely knew why), it does make me curious to what he thinks he did though....

Tim has friends named Ducky Dave....and Tim's going duck hunting all next week.

Toni wants a giant poster of a man on his back wall, he told me so today.

I have a feeling any packages that I receive at the back door are going to get drop kicked to my desk.

No lie, Toni has someone in his phone that he named Big Daddy Yum Yum.

I've scared Mary away from ever wanting to come into my office. She thinks the clove oil reminds her of having a root canal. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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