Wednesday, November 29, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Sarah seems to lure all of the men to her desk with special little treats that she sets out. I bet she even sent out little cards to all of the guys to tell them that she had things for them.

I think I made Bill cry with my cinnamon and clove essential oils today which is fair since he made someone cry yesterday.

Mary is now threatening to come to Roxanne's baby shower. Bill thinks she's going just to drink all of the wine.

Imagine this, TJ doesn't think the company he's working for tells him the second that they receive our check in the mail so now he wants me to send him a dummy envelope in the mail to his home on the same day that I send out his check so that he can confirm how long the mail takes. I think he's old enough to understand how long the mail takes and I really don't care if he ever gets paid.

Toni went to the doctors office today and then brought us in doughnuts. Seriously he and his mother are the devil but I'll take their goodies.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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