Friday, November 17, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

If we could give out Dundies this year at our Christmas party, Toni needs to get one for triple billing.

Toni's favorite hack union subcontractor came in today and I think Bill promised him one of Toni's next jobs.

"I didn't bid this job for our guys to be fully dressed." Bill to a project manager

The Indian title Chief of A$$holes has officially been taken by Mary's brother but I'm pretty sure there aren't any Indian tribes who are willing to take him so he may have to form his own.

This is obviously one of Toni's friends who did this.

Michael's in for quite a weekend, his wife forwarded him an email labeled "Valuable Information for Men" with some reminders which all of you men need to remember.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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