Tuesday, November 28, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Jared came in today and mentioned that he just took custody of his four nieces and nephews (his Sisters kids). Bill, Roger and I have decided that we will volunteer Ashely to go to a holiday meal over there and see if the bathroom door still has a hole in it and report back on the other home conditions. Besides she hasn't met Crystal yet. I'm betting a sober Crystal isn't as much fun to be with though (we all remember what a drag Fun Bobby was on "Friends".)

"I'm beating my nuts with a bolt." Bill (Freaking out about having kids again, I'm assuming.)

Roger told me yesterday that Dot isn't going to Roxanne's shower even though she said she was going. I think Roger was trying to say that she's a liar.

Bill made the mistake of telling Ashley that she's getting an office. This whole afternoon I could hear Ashley mumbling something about "I'm going to be able to close my door very soon and get away from all of these crazy people". I totally understand her not wanting to hear about Toni's herpes but it's just part of life, he inconveniences us all day long with this type of information.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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