Friday, July 21, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday to Donna! I hope she sticks it to Tim and makes him buy her a gift like a ticket to Europe to join everyone else from our office who will be there without me.

I'm starting to think that maybe we get the new girl set up on Monday with how to open RFMS and then we all leave for Europe.

Poor Toni is going to spend his first anniversary home alone with Riley while his wife stays an extra week in Europe.

Michael thinks just because it's Friday that I should be nicer to him. No, Friday's are the opposite of what he thinks. It may be payday and close to the weekend but that just means that I've had to deal with Roger's insanity for five days straight and I'm just about to lose it before I start drinking heavily tonight.

I have to say I was a little creeped out walking in front of Bill's webcam on his computer trying to close one of his screens down, it really makes me feel like I'm doing something illegal. Knowing Bill the webcam was installed to see if anyone was crapping or putting lewd items in his Zen garden.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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