Monday, July 24, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

The AC kicks on for a few minutes and Tim has to whine that it's 10 degrees inside. How does this man handle the outdoors when he goes hunting and fishing? I'm starting to think that's why Toni has to go with him just to keep him warm.

So far I don't think that Kellen has hit on the new girl yet.  

I found a hike online at Mt Baker that my husband agreed to do with me so I didn't really bother reading all of the details. I knew that it was within our comfort zone of elevation gains and miles and I knew there were a few areas that we might get our feet wet at. What I didn't realize is that we had to cross a raging frigid waterfall (which they call a creek) and a couple of easier ones and get more than just the bottoms of our shoes wet. Just for the record I crossed before my husband did and I didn't crap my pants so he decided to follow. Luckily the sun came out by the time we got to Coleman's Glacier otherwise I would have been devastated.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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