Monday, July 17, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger better watch his back, he made Typhinee deal with two of his customers in the showroom today.

I had a dream that Roxanne asked me to give her a certain picture and I like an idiot wouldn't shut up about something and she finally just walked away confused. I apologize for not answering your questions and for frustrating you Roxanne.

Tim had a good day he got to tell people to pound sand and eat sh^%!

Shoot me now because I'm starting to think like Kellen. I'm thinking about telling these Amazon employees who park in our parking lot that they can either buy our parking pass or get their car towed. 

I'm starting to think that Toni's sister has too much time on her hands at work because she made this out of a carrot today.
*not to be construed as Gossip

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