Wednesday, July 26, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Tim got mad at Roger first thing this morning. Roger backed out of a Marinier's game with Tim because he says he's sick.

According to Typhinee she was out from work because of a migraine not because she had morning sickness like the rumor that Bill started.

I'm so proud of Ashley, she got rid of some solicitors all by herself today.

I have a feeling that Steve and Toni won't be friends when Toni comes back from vacation. It's only three work days into his vacation and Steve has lost most of his hair already.

"If you would have saw how we loaded this you would have sh*t purple nickels." Tim to Bill

Toni's email account thinks that we fired him because instead of giving his vacation response it now just says his email is unavailable or some crap like that.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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