Thursday, July 20, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Katherine came in today just to reclaim her good name, she was a complete angel today unlike what Bill says about her. I tried teaching her about the Uber button on my phone so that if she ever wanted to get away from her dad that's all she needed to push to come to the office.

Who the heck stole Riley dog sitting from me? Was it that b$%ch Sarah, she's always trying to do things behind my back. She probably showed Mary a picture of Riley rolling over on her back for her son.

Roger's so excited for an O.J. reality show since O.J. got his parole.

Remind me to never date a female body builders, yikes. Toni has some scary pictures of a friend of a friend who's getting set up on a date.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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