Monday, February 1, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Bill sounded impressed that his wife could keep a secret from him and she threw him a surprise birthday party over the weekend.

Ryan and I finsihed "Downton Abbey" over the weekend, there were a bunch of near death experiences, one real death and a bunch of romances starting to blossom.

Toni's starting to feel like an old man, he went snow boarding for the first time in several years and today he's sore.

Marlon changed his name to Mike.  Apparently Enumclaw wasn't ready for a Marlon.

"Don't worry guys Daddy's got you." Toni to some Russian installers about Cody

"He was my second get rich scheme." Tim

"You look like you're on work release." Bill to Toni about his new jacket

Toni says that Tim told him that everything about him was gay.

Roger had an 80's flashback this morning and started singing.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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