Friday, January 29, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Last night we watched a near miss death on "Downton Abbey".

"I'm not as smart as I thought I was." Tim to Bill

Mary scored today she got a bunch of nail polish and nail designs from the guy that Cody helped with the forklift yesterday.

Toni can not go with Tim anyone to meetings. He volunteers for crap just like Tim.

"This is office talk, he can't talk like this way at home." Cody about Steve

Roger finally came in today. It appears that he's a makeup artist because his meth ridden face actually looks fine.

I'm the worst person ever, I got rid of Crystal today by telling her that Toni was here and it worked.

"Roxanne is still making fun of me for that." Bill about pressing the Amazon Dash button while installing it

Roger and Andrew were referring to their Tacoma today....I called them out on their love nest but they wouldn't admit a thing to me. 

 "Good new K..., I'm a dumba$$." Bill

Matt's about to get a compliment and have a big head for another week again.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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