Wednesday, February 24, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

I saw this video and loved one of the comments that somebody posted. "Cougars are a real problem back home. They've been seen prowling around bars and night clubs preying on innocent young men."

I'm afraid of what Roger is going to write in Nathaniel's going away booger card. He's already thrown out some ideas and  they're a little too Rogeresque. 

Mary told me that she's excited to get her own office so that she doesn't have to hear me talk to myself all day long but she will miss my sexy gulping noise that I make. 

Who's going to do Nathaniel's exit interview tomorrow? I have some questions I would like to ask...
What was the most satisfying part about your job? How many boogers do you consume in a day? What's my name? How many Asians do you think that you're going to sleep with in Australia (I know Roger wants to ask this)? Can this company do anything to encourage you to stay (Bill and Roxanne aren't going to know what to do with an empty room)?

*not to be construed as Gossip


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