Wednesday, February 10, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni agreed to have sex with Cody as long as they didn't have to kiss because of Cody's cold.

Roger had notes on one of his measures today to call ahead of time because they have to open the gate and herd their ducks. I told Roger that duck attacks are in the nightly news every day. I think I have him a little paranoid.

Tim doesn't want to appear to be unhelpful but he doesn't really want to be helpful during the move.

According to Matt, Toni has never done a good job.

Somebody told Mary that everyone here should worship her....that didn't go to her head. She already wants a plaque made. 

I'm a little jealous by this headline "Russian Opposition Leader Reportedly Attacked by Men with Cake".

*not to be construed as Gossip

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