Thursday, February 18, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Bill found one other person who doesn't give a crap about Kanye.

Bill would like me post something on my door about who I like and dislike everyday. I had to tell Bill that I still hated Toni today for buying plane tickets to Italy, I'm still mad at Steve for his timecard screw up and I'm upset for some reason that Tim wants to take a last minute fishing trip.

Roger told me that I was smarter than he thought I was so we're friends again for another day. All I did was signed him up with an awesome profile on

"You can sleep with my wife but don't steal my sandwich." Bill to Toni

Toni claims he's the dumbest guy that I'll ever meet, he sure had me fooled.

Typhinee found this online and thought it would be perfect for the guys and the new office.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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