Monday, February 15, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni said that Bill had to help Nathaniel outside in his car with a dead hooker. He's sure taking after his uncle Bill.

Roger thinks he needs to buy a better valentines day gift for his wife next year. She apparently didn't like the Swiffer pads that he bought her.

"There's not a no way." Tim to Roger

I have come to the conclusion that Kayne's mother needs to take away his Twitter account. He sounds egotistically drunk in most of his tweets. He got some attention this weekend when he mentioned that he had "53 million dollars in personal debt" but then he later said he had money and needed money for humanity to make this world great. One of my personal favorites was this:

 I know that Bill is going to buy this for his daughter before she's even born.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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