Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

"Such a little prick." Bill about Toni

Roger somehow got loose last night because he was in my dreams.

Drop everything Starbucks is going to have a new reward system. They are going to get rid of the stars and do points.....this sounds complicated.

We are the new a$$hole neighbors thanks to Matt and his blaring music.

Tim was upset over the ideas that Bill and Mary had for his office door.

Roxanne already promised me that she's going to slap Tim around the next time she sees him.

This is what Nathaniel has to look forward to in Australia.....

Dingoes eating Sharks
Crocodiles being eaten by snakes
Giant Earthworms
Pythons that can lift dead Wallabies

*not to be construed as Gossip

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