Friday, May 29, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"Oh it might be my second wife." Tim

Tim's in big trouble he ignored Riley when he came through the door a second time and told her that he didn't just get here when she was happy again to see him. Riley's going to tell Mary all about it.

It was so quiet here today without Roger and his big mouth.

Cody, Riley and I saw a fighter jet go over ours heads today and he mentioned that there were two of them at Boeing Field today along with another plane, we want to know who's visiting Seattle?

What's Bill's excuse going to be on Monday for not wanting to come into work? Whatever his excuse may be,it will push Toni over the edge and I'll have to take him to a special home.

Here's something that will give Roger nightmares all weekend. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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