Thursday, May 21, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Creepy man Marty came back today while Mary was in the backroom (she's no help at all). He told me he was going to the store to buy something to drink and asked if I wanted anything. Then he invited me over for lunch tomorrow because he's cooking, I told him I needed to hurry up and get things done tomorrow so that I could head out for Whistler. Next time my excuse will be I'm going to Yemen.

Steve has already called me a "cheating a$$ hussy".

Sounds like Mary's been calling Jared for booty calls. Crystal told Typhinee that Mary's been calling Jared but Mary denies it. 

I just realized that Toni has 442 days left before his wedding but according to Al Gore ten years ago the earth was going to cook by January 27, 2016 (we're only 250 days away), sorry Toni it's going to be too late, you probably shouldn't bother we're all supposed to be dead.

Jessica stopped by today and at the same time that she was talking about what she was going to have done to her teeth, Steve was on the phone with Roger talking about his teeth. Roger always knows how to make everything about himself.

Rumor has it that Roger took a selfie at the dentist today.Where did he post it? My bet is he posted it on, and

Bill is totally Rossing it, especially if he gets into those leather pants below.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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