Thursday, May 28, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Bill can't come to work today because he's playing Super Mario Brothers on his old school Nintendo.

Roger thanked me this morning for "not giving him sh*t." See I can be a nice every once in a while.

Toni got hit on by a very wealthy gay guy when he was out with Nikki last night.

I sent Cody three texts a week or so ago and apparently they came finally came through at midnight on Monday.

"They tried to screw me at Men's Warehouse last night." Toni  That's why it's called Men's Warehouse...duh.

Mary told me that I was disgusting today. All because of a UPS incident.

The company mascot is coming in tomorrow and I've been told she's all groomed, clean and snuggable:)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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