Friday, May 1, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Mary's still upright, this must have been taken at the airport before they started their trip. 
"I got molested last night." Toni about some meeting he went to for Tim  What goes on during Tim's meetings?

One of our clients said Matt looked like a Yoga instructor. Toni and Bill said that was the nicest thing that anyone has ever said about Matt.

I had to remind Bill and Toni that the Michael Scott standard price to pay for an engagement ring is three years salary. Needless to say they both said they struck out and forgot about that rule. 

Roger approves of our Springtime and Clementine soap, I'm glad to hear this. I don't need any catastrophes before I leave for vacation.

Rogers going to be disappointed when there aren't any Oreo's for the Swedish meatballs at the wedding, like Bill told him there would be this morning.

I think Roger' ready for me to leave already.

Everyone needs to keep Typhinee under control next week because she's going to Vegas on Friday for a Bachelorette party and you know how she likes to start her parties early.

Steve doesn't want to spoon Toni, I'm not sure what has changed.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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