Thursday, May 15, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Toni thinks Bill and Roxanne had an adult sleep over last night considering that Roxanne's car was still here this morning. Toni's probably right.

"I'm three and I can jump!" Ella~ Joe's Daughter

Bill and Roxanne found their wedding venue yesterday, it's going to be at Vance's house.

I'm very hopeful, my neighbors truck was gone this morning but it is possible they were still partying and gone from last night.

"Were you looking at your pretty face?" Mary to Roger   Apparently she's over Bill now and wants a new office fling. 

"Come here and I'm going to touch your eye." Mary trying to seduce Roger again.   Roger "That would be worse than water boarding."

Tim's not going to be a good travel buddy, he already forgot where we were going next week (a week from today to be exact). 

Toni and a "friend" stayed up super late last night watching car porn on some website called the Drive Network. He was talking all day about how he wanted the interior of his car to look.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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