Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

I think Toni has tourettes syndrome because he couldn't quit saying "Sh*t" this morning.

Howard said he came in today to take care of Tim and all of his troubles.

Ryan told me that he saw our psychotic neighbors again. What the crap is going on?

"Which one of these Mother F*ckers is getting fired today?" Roger while at Jimmy Johns   He apparently took a bathroom break and came back and his sandwich wasn't done so as you can tell it was well deserved.

Roxanne showed me a dress that was named after Toni but I told her that I already knew about it because Toni wears it to work all the time and he's always trying to show off his cleavage.

Bill still believes that there's a Prince in Nigeria who wants to give him all of his money. I guess I'll let him keep believing that lie otherwise he may wake up and decide that getting married is too expensive.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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