Friday, May 16, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

It's a good day, I'm pretty sure our crazy neighbors are gone:)

Jessica pulled a Bill on us this morning, she ran in and out without saying a word.

Speaking of Bill, he claims he's a very traditional man and that's why he wants to go to Niagra Falls for his honeymoon. I personally think he wants to go to recreate Jim and Pam's wedding from "The Office" and I'm sure he won't invite any of us. Besides does this look like a very traditional man to you?

Tim says I'm mean, he's just now figuring that out....good grief. Wait till next week on our trip and I don't get my way which is crazy because I always get my way so just wait till I get hungry.

Cody has a new favorite hand soap. Cody is about to get an i added to the end of his name too..Codi.

Toni said he's going to get a tattoo of Nikki on his neck tonight. I bet he'll chicken out after he see's the tattoo artist.

I've never noticed this but one of our subs has WASHIT in their license #.

I think we all scared poor Toni today and Mary was responsible for single handedly scaring Matt on her job site.

Does Roger work here anymore? I didn't see him today. I guess he did call in once for Mary's phone sex hotline but she wasn't here.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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