Monday, July 31, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Katherine was the life of the party today. That little girl can get around now.

Steve provided the ribs for the party though. Thankfully his girls left some extra ribs in the car so he had to cook them all yesterday and share with us. 

We got a new water cooler on Friday and the dang hot water side doesn't work. Apparently we just can't have both sides working at once.

My husband talked me into doing an overnight hike on Friday night after work near Mt Rainier. We hiked into Dewey Lake and I wanted to hurry because I figured the camp sites would be crowded and we would have to hike another mile around the lake just to find a spot in the dark. Luckily when we got there we seemed to be the first people in. A few other groups came after us but we had a lovely spot next to the lake and we got to see a bunch of shooting stars and we saw no wildlife except for some birds.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, July 28, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Bill was so excited this morning he brought in a brand new glass tea infuser bottle and was telling me all about it. A little while later he set it on the break room counter and Roger made it roll off the counter with just his eyes, he really is the devil.

"If I could pull one out of my a$$ I would but currently there isn't anyone living up there." Steve to Bill about a helper for Joe

Apparently Bill is very fascinated with lesbian activities. He wanted to know what Ashley and I were doing in the warehouse without Sarah yesterday.

Our water cooler got fixed, we can all gossip around it again.

When Sarah came in today Bill sure made a beeline to see her. I'm sure he was asking her about what happens in the warehouse and figuring out if he can make money off of this.

Typhinee and I would like to know what Bill and Roxanne have been telling Katherine about us. She just hasn't been that sure of either of us lately.

Everyone thinks that Ashley needed a break from us and that's why she took the day off. More than likely she signed up for all day therapy class because of us and it was probably a good thing that she had today off because Steve's been pretty graphic about what he's going to do to Toni and how he's going to put himself out of misery.

"I'm no dummy." Kellen

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, July 27, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

It's a Summer Miracle, Roger was up and walking around today, I saw it with my own two eyes. Yesterday we were all calling Dot every ten minutes for an update, especially when we saw this sign on the outside of their building on the news. I think they even had a moment of silence for Roger at the Marinier's game yesterday and gave away some Roger Bobbleheads with mini carpet samples.

Tim came out to the warehouse when Ashley and I were out there and he mentioned he thought we were doing something kinky with Sarah. This has me very curious what kind of kinky things has Sarah been doing in the warehouse and do we need to set up one of Kellen's spy cameras?

"A Utah man killed his wife aboard an Alaska cruise and told an acquaintance who later walked into the couple's blood-splattered room that he did it because she laughed at him, the FBI said in documents released Thursday." Now I want to know did his wife think he was funny or just funny looking? Second are you really supposed to answer your door and let people in after you kill your wife?

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Tim got mad at Roger first thing this morning. Roger backed out of a Marinier's game with Tim because he says he's sick.

According to Typhinee she was out from work because of a migraine not because she had morning sickness like the rumor that Bill started.

I'm so proud of Ashley, she got rid of some solicitors all by herself today.

I have a feeling that Steve and Toni won't be friends when Toni comes back from vacation. It's only three work days into his vacation and Steve has lost most of his hair already.

"If you would have saw how we loaded this you would have sh*t purple nickels." Tim to Bill

Toni's email account thinks that we fired him because instead of giving his vacation response it now just says his email is unavailable or some crap like that.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger has already made the new girl feel uncomfortable.

Tim and Michael had an exciting day picketing one of our jobsites that didn't pay us. I bet they both have great tans now from being outside all day.

Apparently Jenny sounds like a b*tch when she's trying to be professional according to one drunk ex-employee on FB last night.

Seriously Mary's checking emails while on vacation. Is Europe just not exciting enough for her?

This is an odd little article that I saw. "According to a recent study, up to 81 drugs and personal-care products were detected in the flesh of salmon caught in the Puget Sound. Some of the drugs include Prozac, Advil, Benadryl, Lipitor, and even cocaine. The Seattle Times reports that the levels are believed to be so high because either people in the area use more of the drugs detected, or because waste water plants are unable to fully remove the chemicals during treatment. Another theory is that leaky septic tanks are contributing to the problem, as high fecal coliform counts were detected." All I can say is this must be Roger's fault. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

Monday, July 24, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

The AC kicks on for a few minutes and Tim has to whine that it's 10 degrees inside. How does this man handle the outdoors when he goes hunting and fishing? I'm starting to think that's why Toni has to go with him just to keep him warm.

So far I don't think that Kellen has hit on the new girl yet.  

I found a hike online at Mt Baker that my husband agreed to do with me so I didn't really bother reading all of the details. I knew that it was within our comfort zone of elevation gains and miles and I knew there were a few areas that we might get our feet wet at. What I didn't realize is that we had to cross a raging frigid waterfall (which they call a creek) and a couple of easier ones and get more than just the bottoms of our shoes wet. Just for the record I crossed before my husband did and I didn't crap my pants so he decided to follow. Luckily the sun came out by the time we got to Coleman's Glacier otherwise I would have been devastated.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, July 21, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday to Donna! I hope she sticks it to Tim and makes him buy her a gift like a ticket to Europe to join everyone else from our office who will be there without me.

I'm starting to think that maybe we get the new girl set up on Monday with how to open RFMS and then we all leave for Europe.

Poor Toni is going to spend his first anniversary home alone with Riley while his wife stays an extra week in Europe.

Michael thinks just because it's Friday that I should be nicer to him. No, Friday's are the opposite of what he thinks. It may be payday and close to the weekend but that just means that I've had to deal with Roger's insanity for five days straight and I'm just about to lose it before I start drinking heavily tonight.

I have to say I was a little creeped out walking in front of Bill's webcam on his computer trying to close one of his screens down, it really makes me feel like I'm doing something illegal. Knowing Bill the webcam was installed to see if anyone was crapping or putting lewd items in his Zen garden.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, July 20, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Katherine came in today just to reclaim her good name, she was a complete angel today unlike what Bill says about her. I tried teaching her about the Uber button on my phone so that if she ever wanted to get away from her dad that's all she needed to push to come to the office.

Who the heck stole Riley dog sitting from me? Was it that b$%ch Sarah, she's always trying to do things behind my back. She probably showed Mary a picture of Riley rolling over on her back for her son.

Roger's so excited for an O.J. reality show since O.J. got his parole.

Remind me to never date a female body builders, yikes. Toni has some scary pictures of a friend of a friend who's getting set up on a date.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Bill told me that Roger likes the dragons in a certain show. I told Bill that was very weird considering that Roger is afraid of everything including chickens.

There's such a fine line between Tim and Kellen according to Bill.

Bill thinks he can smell the AC, apparently not the A but the C for sure.

Toni's already complaining about it being colder than Antarctica in here.

Bill mentioned that one of his interviewees was perplexed by his Zen Garden.

It finally happened, Bill's little girl slapped his hand away when he held hers.

Steve's daughter helped him out yesterday for a few hours and realized that this whole work thing is tiring.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"I respect you, the others don't." Michael to Roger

Tim said he was behind in work so he wanted to Typhinee's help and Bill told him no. I think Bill figured that if Typhinee worked for Tim that she would never ever want to work for Roger again.

"You sound like everyone who has ever met Roger." Bill to me

FYI, it's not a good idea to come to an interview tweaking and smelling like an ash tray and you may also not want to disclose that your boyfriend is in jail for very bad things.

Mary is planning to have Toni take on all of her work while she in on vacation. Bill had to give her the news flash that her vacation is Toni's vacation.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Monday, July 17, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger better watch his back, he made Typhinee deal with two of his customers in the showroom today.

I had a dream that Roxanne asked me to give her a certain picture and I like an idiot wouldn't shut up about something and she finally just walked away confused. I apologize for not answering your questions and for frustrating you Roxanne.

Tim had a good day he got to tell people to pound sand and eat sh^%!

Shoot me now because I'm starting to think like Kellen. I'm thinking about telling these Amazon employees who park in our parking lot that they can either buy our parking pass or get their car towed. 

I'm starting to think that Toni's sister has too much time on her hands at work because she made this out of a carrot today.
*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, July 14, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Typhinee!

Just to add to Typhinee's birthday festivities Bill bought another annoying door chime to replace the one that she destroyed.

Bill wants everyone to know that his daughter is a genius because she can plug in an iphone. Mary of course told Bill that Stephanie could plug in an iphone when she was five months old.

Toni, you're going to need your orange arctic coat again come Monday. Apparently our AC part came in today.

I really wanted to do a Ross from Friends and the whole "You ate my sandwich" theme for Typhinee but then I was afraid that I would just hear whiny excuses from the culprit all day long and it just stressed me out. Then I found out much too late that he took the day off and he would have never known and that stresses me out.

Many of us read a headline today about a truckload of slime eels that overturned on an Oregon Highway. My first thoughts were that's disgusting and why would anyone want to transport these nasty things. Apparently the Korean's like to cook with them and they also use the slime in a similar manner as egg whites.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, July 13, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Since Bill likes weird new shoes (he was the first and only one in this office to wear the spiderman shoes) he should consider these if he doesn't already have them.
Tomorrow is Typhinee's birthday and she's already informed me what kind of cake that she wants. I just hope that I can deliver on what she wants or else I know I'm going to get yelled at.

"My disgusting friends were grossed out." Toni about a horrible story that he told them

Kellen asked Toni to rub his back and he would rub his, I nearly threw up.

Kellen broke the cold water spigot on the water cooler so it's not my fault.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"I would never do that in front of other people." Roger about pushing down his grandson

Steve prefers the word Fluter to Schluter. One of the superintendents on a job site was using the word and Steve decided not to correct him.

Toni's customers are just weird. I apparently will never ever fly near seat 6C because that's this dudes favorite seat.

Bill says that Tim is driving him to retirement.

Mary and Toni leave next Friday for Europe.When people ask for a sales person after that I'm going to be frank and tell them that 28% of our sales team is out of the country.

There's some really weird debate as to what Typhinee did to Kellen on the break room table last night. Nevertheless I'll be Cloroxing the table.

It sounds like it's very handy to have Roxanne around, she fixes everything.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"I don't have time for this please stop texting me." Kellen to Typhinee ~ I think she was harassing him for a date so that she could recoup some of the expense of her meal that he stole from the fridge.

Seriously who gave out my cell number? I've been getting weird texts about people trying to find me jobs and a new place to live. Roger, who did you give my number to and how many miles does the restraining order state that I have to be away from you?

Bill and I are convinced that Typhinee broke our door chime, she hated that thing to begin with.

Here are the last of our pictures from Oregon, we went to Smith Rock and got to hike around that amazing place. Apparently some of the world's toughest climbs are at this location and one of the tougher climbs is to a point that looks like male genitalia yet they call it Monkey Face.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Monday, July 10, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Congratulations to Bill and Roxanne they are having a baby boy in December. Steve's excited to train this kid to become an installer.

Bill's pretty sure that half of the pictures that are on the internets have been taken by me. 

"I was just with this guy." Roger

Steve got caught taking a picture of himself peeing in the men's restroom at a restaurant all because he forgot to lock the door. He claims that he was taking a picture of the tile but seriously we know better...

The new guy that Steve hired today has eleven kids and Toni thinks he wants the twelfth one to be with me.

Bill and Steve have decided on Transformers names for Bill's son. Optimus, Megatron, Galvatron and Steve really likes Maximus from "Gladiator". Have fun trying to pick names Roxanne.

If you can't find Tim, he'll be out messing with Steve's new printer. 

I'm still not done with my Oregon pictures and since you all are my captive audience I get to bore you. Since Crater Lake was cut short with no hiking areas available (because of the road closures from the snow) we went to the Umpqua Forest and did three short waterfall hikes with the mosquitoes.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, July 7, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"Everyone else here can quit, she can't." Bill about Mary complaining about no AC

Tomorrow is the big reveal day for Bill and Roxanne. Just for Steve's sake I really hope that they don't have a boy, Bill would rub that in until their dying day.

Toni was excluded from the men's lunch today, I think the guys finally suspect something.

I was surprised to see that Kellen gave the loaner car back.

Crater Lake was absolutely stunning the morning that we were there. It was almost as beautiful as I am (it's not ok to gag right now).

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, July 6, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger still says hi to Joseph in the mornings, I think he needs a new pair of glasses.

Sarah brought us in more cherries and Typhinee brought us in Jello shots. Obviously Typhinee wins that contest today.

What is Bill going to do next week when it's not a two day work week for him?

On this day in 1957 John Lennon and Paul McCartney met and started a threesome with Roger. 

Kellen got a brand new loaner car from Subaru and he doesn't want to give it back. I have a feeling this upcoming incident may be on the news.

Roger told me that I was almost perfect today. He did want something from me though so I'm pretty sure by tomorrow I'll be the slime that grows on the bottom of Justin Bieber's shoe.

We ventured to an area that had two small crater lakes, definitely not the same in size or wonder compared to the real Crater Lake but still interesting to see. The obsidian lava trail was fascinating and also very sharp to touch (just ask my husband who kept cutting himself on it because he wouldn't leave his hands in his pockets).

 *not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Now that Joseph doesn't work here anymore,  all of us ladies are fighting over who can claim him as their boy toy.

I'm depressed now "The Odd Couple" with Matthew Perry was cancelled.

Bill blames me for his daughter becoming a stripper...

Over the weekend I saw two dogs being pushed in a stroller. The lady passed us on a trail and I realized that Ryan definitely didn't see it because he didn't make an obscene comment. Bill's pretty sure that Mary's going to become one of those people who pushes her little princess Riley around.

The first hike we did on Saturday was at Proxy Falls on our way over to La Pine, Oregon. This was kind of interesting it was a relatively short hike through lava fields and a forest.

*not to be construed as Gossip