Friday, May 26, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

I am so freaking mean, Joseph wanted to hang with Kellen all day today and I told him no. I'm thinking that he must like the sex with Kellen.

Roger told me that he had a dream about me and we were discussing land in Montana. I think that I probably told him to move there.

Mary's having an awful day, Starbucks got her drink order all wrong so she's not coming into work...

Roger and I thought it was a little creepy that Typhinee was getting a call from Gary Cooper today, he's been dead since 1961. 

I don't think Kellen's girlfriend has a name, he always refers to her as his girl.

I found out yesterday that Michael is an expert mechanical bull rider, I found out many things yesterday after he sampled the beer.


*not to be construed as Gossip

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