Friday, May 19, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Toni dropped Nikki off at the airport this morning so that she could see Steve and Jenny in Vegas. 

I'm pretty sure Bill's not allowed to watch Katherine alone anymore. He went to the bathroom yesterday and came out only to find that she crawled all the way up the stairs because he didn't have one of the gates up and then she deviously laughed when he found her. I'm sure it was very Dr. Evil like.

I think Toni's feelings were hurt when Bill didn't want him this morning. It was a way longer conversation than it should have been.

Toni doesn't want to draw anything in Bill's zen garden because he doesn't want Mary to think that it was him who drew something naughty on a piece of carpet.

Toni decided today that Kellen wasn't the only one who was going to take advantage of the new kid. Toni got to take him to a job site and show him off as arm candy.

Bill said Mary ruined his Zen garden today and it stressed him out. It's just a good thing that it's Friday, I don't need to him to have an anxiety attack.

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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