Wednesday, April 26, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"How does this affect me?" Bill to Toni

Things are pretty serious when Tim uses the word skybosh around here. Even though the word technically means playful foolery and practical joking. 

Tim and Roger told each other that they feel like they are drifting apart (while holding hands at lunch the other day).

Tim would like all of his customers to send him their budgets for the year so that he knows exactly what to make their invoice out for. 

I was trying to tell Bill that I saw Toni snorting coke off his desk but then Toni interrupted and wanted to know which time I saw him.

Roger wanted to know if there was going to be a giant playpen with blankets at the BBQ on Friday.  He really is turning into an old man.

Steve keeps telling us that he really wants to sample the goods (for the BBQ) but I'm pretty sure that's how Jenny got pregnant the first time.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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