Monday, April 24, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger finally scolded me for mentioning something that I wasn't supposed to mention in an email. What Roger doesn't understand is that I had to draw Bill a picture for him to understand what I even said.

Toni claims that he met the most depressing person on earth on Saturday and apparently she was more racist than all of us put together. He invited her to our BBQ so that we could find out first hand. 

Kellen finally went out with the twenty something year old with the little girl and of course he's smitten with her.

Toni's excited his new home is down the street from Cream Dream which I think is some sort of bath house.

Some old woman (the racist) wanted to take Toni home with her from the Swiss park on Saturday night. She tried luring him over to her home by saying that her husband was going to die soon and she has a Porsche and a bunch of tools that were just sitting in their garage.

Joanie from "Happy Days" died so Bill finally took down his poster of her.

Tim couldn't wear his new pants today because they were in the bottom of the drawer.

"I'm going to start questioning Roger's stories." Bill

*not to be construed as Gossip

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