Monday, April 10, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

What a Monday, everybody was cranky today.

Typhinee got to hear an earful today just hanging out on her phone at home in her towel.

Mary tried telling me that Riley was slow and stupid but she was just trying to cover up for all of Randy's inabilities.

Rumor has it that Bill got to go to the zoo in Salt Lake while his daughter slept most of that outing.  

Annyong starts tomorrow.
As far as I can tell Bill is going to push his lap buddy off onto Roger's lap until a front desk can be found.

Toni claims he's going to have some amazing Grab stories tomorrow.

Sarah's threatening not to come back because she's at her property over the mountains and it's not raining and it has an amazing view. What she doesn't realize is that all of us are going to find her and stay with her and we'll let Kellen and Annyong run the place. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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