Wednesday, April 5, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

I actually forgot my wedding ring and my watch today. It's not because of what you all are thinking which is that my husband asked me to give back the ring because of the disgusting zit that I have on my forehead right now. 

Steve asked Bill to fire him today. Needless to say Bill wanted to be fired first.

Tim discovered yesterday that I talk to myself and that's why Mary's much happier with her own office.

I'm pretty sure that Bill switched out my computer monitors so that I won't be able to fall asleep at my desk with the amount of light beaming off these things.

According to Typhinee, Roger and Kellen had a make out session that Roger has already forgotten about. 

Kellen told Bill that he was dating the forty-something year old (or he finally had a date with her). Bill couldn't keep any of it straight, apparently he was trying to get out of the conversation because there were way too many questions about things that he didn't want to answer.

Bill set up the new kids email address with something boring. I really wanted to vote on something. 

I am taking bets on how long the new kids parents are going to allow him to work here.

Bill just gave me the best news, Katherine will be tagging along with him tomorrow. I now have to scheme about how to keep Mary too busy to hold her.

Roger feels inspired to share the book, that his father gave him when he was a teenager, with a certain somebody around here. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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