Tuesday, April 4, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Tim says the flowers and chocolates were all of his idea.

"I think you should show up in your high school wrestling uniform to show them that you mean business." Bill to Toni

Bill waited on hold for 55 minutes just so that Comcast could take his account # and hang up on him. Needless to say they didn't call him back.

Bill's lap buddy starts on Tuesday. I told Steve that I expect to see the kids parents on Wednesday, chewing Steve out for what he taught their sweet innocent child.

Kellen tells me first thing this morning that he didn't sleep last night and that he did it on purpose... and I'm thinking I really don't think I want to hear that he was with a hired woman or on a sex line all night trying to flirt with a woman because I may just throw up or do something too obvious. Luckily he was just with Michael all night and they went to a nice hotel. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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