Thursday, April 13, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

The best news of the day is that Mary finally got her plane tickets for Europe.

Toni asked if there was a crate to put Katherine in.

Roxanne was obviously nervous to leave Katherine with us again, she raced down here from work to get her. I'm not sure what she thought we did to her the last time but she was not in a Paddington Bear rain jacket and hat (we didn't have any bumps to cover up). We are also not the ones who dressed her in a tank top today...

Toni must be in one of his straight moods today because he implied he wasn't liking all of this bum sex he's been getting.

Toni wanted to know if Mary's seen Joseph because she mentioned to Tim that we weren't running a sweat shop.

I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight, NASA claims that Jupiter and Saturn's moons could have life. I always knew ALF was real.
My phone auto corrected the words "to u" as "Toni". I had to tell Roger that my phone liked Toni more than him.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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