Tuesday, April 11, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Everyone was shocked that Mary's car was here at the butt crack of dawn this morning.What people didn't realize was that Mary was so smashed yesterday afternoon that Randy had to come and get her and drive her home but of course she didn't leave without a fight. In her upheaval, she ended up looking like the guy being drug off the United plane.

Kellen mentioned to me that someone is setting him up (on Saturday) with a twenty four year old who has a five year old kid and she has never had a job because she takes care of her parents kids (he said something crazy like that). Apparently this week it's fine to go out with someone with a kid but last week he deserved to be with someone childless because he wanted to be able to make his own love symbol.

Roger says that when he shows his customers his legs that nothing happens but he implied that when Sarah does it she gets everyone's attention. I think he's a little jealous that his sex appeal isn't selling as well as hers. I'm pretty sure he's already offered to pimp for her.

"I have to show you what I wrote because you're not going to like it." Tim to Bill

"So I'm not important anymore?" Steve to Bill "You've always been unimportant" Bill to Steve

*not to be construed as Gossip

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