Monday, April 17, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

My husband somehow forgot about the fight scenes from "Bridget Jones's Diary". Seriously those are the best parts of the movie. Needless to say I made him re-watch both of those.

Sarah has it going on today according to somebody around here.

Typhinee thought that Kim Jong didn't show up to work today because she scared him off last week.

Apparently Roger wasn't the only one who was graced with seeing a certain photo last week.

Sarah's a naughty girl, she has a tattoo that is larger than Mary's and it's of something that she claims is Celtic but unfortunately for her I recognize those chiseled Australian bodies and besides Toni has the same tattoo. I'm sure she just told her husband that they were her Irish family....

Bill told Tim that he was a little bit of a genius for being able to talk people out of having children.

My assignment that Bill gave me to convince his wife of something is getting way easier by the day.

Roxanne is going to start marketing the dumb a$$ filter. When people order her product on Amazon they can opt to get a personalized Dumb Ass Donkey to remind them of what they are. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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