Friday, October 28, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

I'm hating Toni again, he's already planning another trip to Europe and this time he's going to Switzerland but at least Mary and Randy will get to go this time.

Don't mess with Toni, he seems to burn down his own job sites.

I think Roger lied to me, he told me that he was going to have a better weekend than me but he doesn't leave for Florida until next week. Now it has me intrigued as to what he's doing this weekend....

For years Bill thought that his Asian customer had been saying "sh*t vinyl" and he finally realized he was trying to say sheet vinyl.

I started typing in "why does Mariah Carey think..." and it filled in with "she's a god" and I was looking for the reason why she wanted $50 million from her ex-fiance and it was some dumb reason about him uprooting her life and she's also keeping her 17 carat ring.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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