Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

"I'm f*#$ing lazy." Bill to Tim

We have a high wind alert for tonight and tomorrow night. Dot, make sure that Roger stays in doors and doesn't try to go kite surfing off of one of your many luxurious balconies.

Speaking of Roger, he thought my shirt looked hippyish today (although I would disagree). I told him I would get some flowers and weed for my hair. 

Toni mentioned that he was going to start looking at buying a house and that he was a little freaked. I gave him what I thought was great advice and told him to just run off with one of his lovers because it will be a lot easier than buying a house.

Tim was trying to guilt me today by reminding me of something horrible that I said to him. I finally remembered what it was about and now Tim needs to apologize to me for making me apologize to him.

According to Toni a non-attractive woman wore a very revealing shirt without a bra today for him and another gay guy who were scheduled to visit her today. I think she wanted a hefty discount on her flooring and she obviously didn't know what she was doing.

Roxanne is already teaching her child bad habits and how to take selfies of her adorable self.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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