Monday, October 24, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

I find it funny that Kellen always refers to Joe as "Mary's tile installer". 

Riley had surgery to remove a bunch of string from inside her system. Needless to say she is no longer allowed to play with soft toys.

Steve wants to buy women's underwear for work. 

Roger's life is so disappointing, he didn't get to meet Kevin Costner like he was supposed to on Saturday.

Toni shared some of his pornographic artwork today at the office from when he was 3 (which was technically only 3 years ago).

"You would make a kick a$$ philanthropist." Bill to Roger

We found snow this weekend all thanks to my husband and his spur of the moment road trip idea. We ended up at Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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