Tuesday, October 11, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Bill thinks that Roger's mad at me because he didn't talk to me today. Bill thinks that Roger finally decided that I went too far in the Daily Chatter.

Toni was watching some odd stuff on Bill's new virtual reality headset and of course he was making some really weird noises. He made Bill stand behind him and pretend to be Leo during this scene and then all of the guys wanted Bill to be Leo for them. I guess Bill has the magic touch with the men around here which is odd, I really thought it would have been Toni.

Tim came up to my office just to ask how to spell the word "Diving" today. I got a little scared wondering what the man was doing this time and all he could do was blame Mrs. U'nnells. Thankfully the diving part was only a pool tile issue and not Tim taking up a new hobby. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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