Wednesday, October 19, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

In case anyone was wondering, Typhinee broke our paper towel holder in the break room. I'm pretty sure she been overcome with guilt and that's why she's been out sick for the last two days.

Tim needs someone to manage his personal life for him. He apparently stays up too late, eats too much ice cream, can't get out of the bed in the morning and forgets to buy April chocolate. I'm going to send Roger his direction because Roger loves to share his opinion and he's great at bossing people around.

Amazon Prime photos can now recognize objects in pictures. It has a search function that is pretty amazing. It still has some fine tuning to do because a squirrel is not the same thing as a bear.

"I haven't changed one bit since I was sixteen." Toni

Toni says that Steve has two wives, I haven't heard about this...

Things are changing. Matt got rid of some of his hair and some of his beard. He's probably coming up with some other shenanigan so that he can express himself to the ladies....

*not to be construed as Gossip

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