Friday, July 29, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Roger's explanation of why he prefers cinnamon buns to virgins. "You don't have to train a cinnamon roll. You don't have to call a cinnamon roll the next day. You never have to buy flowers for a cinnamon roll. Need I go on???"

"You know you're a pushy little sh*t." Bill to Steve

Toni's sister texted him and asked him if he wanted to go camping next weekend with her husband and their parents. Toni naturally said yes so I guess the wedding will have to be postponed another year.

Matt's going to be in Portland so he won't be able to wedding crash.

Apparently Tim would like to spend two days with Matt and be completely irresponsible.

Toni's getting his marriage license tonight. I wonder who it will name as his to be spouse? I'm pretty sure Matt and Steve both put the moves on him today.

Mary's taking all of next week off and she won't say why. I'm pretty sure she's either going to get an overly exuberant boob job or she's going to have a face implant to look like Kenny Rogers. Just so that she'll be the talk of the town at Nikki and Toni's wedding.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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