Thursday, July 7, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni recommended a restaurant this time that Roger recommended. Who will pay me back if I don't like it, Roger or Toni? It's very confusing and nobody has recommended a movie yet for this crappy weathered upcoming weekend.

Roger didn't want me telling Dot about his prostitutes. If it makes her feel any better I'm pretty sure Roger got a good deal on them, he was in the MLK neighborhood. Besides it's world chocolate day, he couldn't resist.

Tim's taking tomorrow off because he's driving to Oregon to get fitted for a custom pair of waders. This man and his excuses....

Tim left his phone at the office today and then didn't know what to do when he got caught in a freaking standstill on Kent Des Moines road. Apparently a semi hit a kid who wandered/weaved into the highway because of his skateboard. 

This is why you don't rent your $20 Million dollar Hampton's mansion to people like Matt over the 4th of July on Airbnb. Apparently it could have been a scene from "The Wolf of Wall Street".

*not to be construed as Gossip

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