Monday, July 25, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Mary was the culprit who found Typhinee's birthday card on her desk on Friday. 

Toni claims he saw a goat at the bar this weekend. It was Nikki's bachelorette weekend so he was probably wasted.

"I don't have nice things to say about anyone to be perfectly honest." Toni

Tim forgot his wallet at home today and he made Bill take him to lunch and pay for him.  I'm going to start doing that.

Tim wants a new iphone but he doesn't want to pay for one, all he really wants to do is argue with the sales person.

Leave it to Tim to tell horrible depressing stories. That's usually Roger's job.

"Now I'm going to shoot myself." Toni

 I saw some of Roger's relatives on Saturday at the Woodland Park Zoo. They were stumped as to why Roger hasn't visited them lately.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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