Friday, July 8, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

I know some of you are going to laugh at this but I told Kellen that I was good with secrets. FYI, the secret he told me shouldn't be a secret, he did something nice for somebody so I'm not sure why he thinks it should be a secret.

Tim thinks I sent him a drug website. I'm really not sure why because drugs are really more Mary and Roger's thing.

Very interesting, Michael decided to come in today because he knew that Tim would be out of town.

I'm pretty sure Toni hired some hardwood guy to be his boy toy.

Steve is shaving the beard off for his 10 year anniversary. 

"We have some pretty good looking guys around here but you just can't tell." Bill

Bill hung up on Crystal today because she wanted to be transferred to Toni and Bill didn't have Toni's extension.

Toni was complaining that I think he's gay but Bill made a good point, Toni was the one who was trying to sell us on rainbow LVT yesterday.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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