Tuesday, July 5, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Tim would like to work from home like Bill but he wants to do it 5 days a week.

Tim thinks that Roger and I watch too many movies. How absurd is that?

If you ever have a hot flash and need to cool down, the freezer section at Cash and Carry will make you feel like you're in the Antarctic, just ask Tim.

I apparently am suffering from Alzheimer's according to Mary because I can't quite remember a certain "Friends" episode.

Toni got peed on at his bachelor party. I think Toni needs some new friends who don't get sh*t faced.

Tim actually knows where Port Alberni and Tofino are. Tofino is the place where all of the crazy Canuck's surf at any temperature.

Roger has a dirty mind.

Speaking of dirty minds, Bill told one of our reps that some Japanese girls peed on Toni at his Bachelor Party and that rep wanted to know all about it. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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