Wednesday, July 20, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Tim needs to find his second wife a new husband. I suggested sending her on a singles cruise and Bill told Tim to use his match making skills again.

Toni learned yesterday that Baby Mama's don't like to be called b*tches. That just wasn't common sense apparently.

"I read an article, it must be true." Bill

Toni thinks he could be a firefighter. Bill told him he needs his shorty shorts because fires are hot.

Bill has a sick mind, even more disgusting than mine. He mentioned to Toni that he could sleep with twins referring to Nikki and her twin brother.

I avoided Roger all day today, what a great day. Actually I think he avoided the office today because he's mourning the death of the director Garry Marshall.  I'm pretty sure Roger thought he was going to be the inspiration in Garry's next movie.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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