Tuesday, July 12, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

There is something wrong with my husband and Roger has first hand knowledge of this situation. We bought some Buffalo Wing flavored cheese curds at Costco last night and I got into the bag last night and told my husband that they were spicy hot and then he tried some and said they weren't that hot (I can usually handle heat better than Ryan can). Then Roger saw me eating some of these this morning at my desk and I gave him one to try and his head nearly exploded.

Bill for some reason was going on and on about how Steve was a fine looking man, funny and witty. Apparently Bill's feeling things for Steve now that he's shaved.

Roger felt like Tim was trying to arrest him for a crime that he didn't commit today...stealing his samples.

Toni is assuming another man is gay based on the fact that he's a hair dresser. If Toni only had gaydar he would know for sure.

"My desk is a disaster, I'm thinking about quitting." Bill to me

*not to be construed as Gossip

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