Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

It is officially summer.

Someone asked Toni if they could have his pee. I want to know what is so special about Toni's pee... Is it holy pee? Is it a different color since he's a sexually confused lactard? Does it have magical powers like rainbow unicorns? Does it taste like cookies?

I was glad to see that Matt was fully clothed at the Solstice Parade.

Bill has a broken forehead or so it appears. He claims that he woke up naked and in a daze in Bellingham. I'm pretty sure the real story is that his wife beat him for letting the baby cry. Next time bandage it Bill, we don't need to see the blood and puss running down your face all day long.

One of Roger's customers dogs started barking at the television while he was doing a measure the other day and the lady said that her dog only barks at the t.v. when there are other dogs, colored people or at Flo the Progressive Insurance lady.

Toni so badly wants to name a dog Craig Johnson.

Tim said he literally had blueberries up his a$$ yesterday. Speaking of which if any of you would like to pick blueberries (not out of his a$$, he's saving that for Donna) then you are more than welcome to pick them at his house.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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