Friday, June 17, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

All of us have admitted to turning into the wrong parking lot for either the new or old shop but the other day Tim actually parked, went to the door and wondered when Mary bought a bench for near the front door. He didn't admit to going inside and sitting at somebody else's desk though.

Roger thinks he has a more trusting face than Bill and me. He thinks rental car companies love him...

If you text Roger to call you NOW!!!! (with exclamation points) at 8pm he apparently wont do it.

Roger told me today that I have to start sucking up to him in order to get him not to retire. This sounds like the same trick Tim uses on me and everyday he threatens to retire. I'm on pins and needles all of the time and nobody cares about my nerves.

"I just can't...I always make it nasty." Toni to Bill

*not to be construed as Gossip

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